Showing posts with label United states. Show all posts
Showing posts with label United states. Show all posts

Tuesday 12 September 2017

How to protect yourself and family from identity theft

Identity theft is the fastest growing crime in the United States. It affects as many as one of 10 U.S consumers. It costs businesses and individuals billions of dollars every year. Infact, more than 20 people become victims of identity theft every minute of every day in the United States alone! Equifax(EFX) is one of three nationwide credit-reporting agencies that track and rate the financial history of consumers. The company gets its data from credit card companies, banks, retailers and lenders — sometimes without you knowing. The data breach is among the worst ever because of the amount of people affected and the sensitive type of information exposed… FROM CNN: A huge security breach at credit reporting company Equifax has exposed sensitive information, such as Social Security numbers and addresses, of up to 143 million Americans. Unlike other data breaches, those affected by the breach may not even know they’re customers of the company. …read entire story at CNN According to a reliable source, another common hack occurs when you visit a malware -riddled website that could download a key- logger without your knowledge. The next time you do some online banking, the malware captures your password and sends it to the hacker. Alternatively, you might open a loaded email that appears legit but is really seeking to capture data like passwords and other information. These are often referred to as phishing scams because people are phishing for more of your personal data. However, there is goodnews: A PrivacyMaxx membership provides proactive and comprehensive identity monitoring, alerts and resolution services. Its services go beyond the basic coverage provided to breach victims. Becoming a member ensures that your identity is being monitored, and that you will be notified quickly if any activity is detected. Additionally, if you become aware of any suspicious activity regarding your identity, you can easily contact your PrivacyMaxx Identity Recovery Advocate, who is there to assist you and, if necessary, restore your identity back to pre-theft status. You never know when an organization you trust and rely on will be hacked by thieves. Act now, and secure your future today! Sign up for privacymaxx protection plan: NOTE: The PrivacyMaxx Family Identity Theft Protection Plan is currently available at TripleClicks for a special members-only